Podiatry CME State Requirements

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Find your state in the table below to see how many CME Credits your State requires, when your next renewal date is, and how many you can earn online (revised: August 2022)


State Cycle Credits Credits/
Online Online % Renewal
COVID-19 Renewal Date Risk/
Pain Man
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Alaska 2
100% 12/31/2024
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Alaska law requires an average of 25 hours of Category I AMA- or AOA-approved continuing education hours for each year of the licensing period (two-year licensing cycle). At the time of renewal, the licensee must attest to compliance with the CME requirements. After renewal is completed, the division will perform a computer-generated random audit of licensees who will be required to provide proof of CME courses.


OPIOID Requirement - 2 credits every 2 years on pain management, opioid use, and addiction. Alaska State Medical Board


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Alabama 1
100% 10/31/2024
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Every licensed podiatrist who desires to continue the practice of podiatry shall annually, on or before the first of October, pay to the secretary-treasurer of the state board a renewal registration fee in a reasonable amount set by the board and comply with such other conditions as may be prescribed by the State Board of Podiatry; provided, however, that the license shall be renewed within 30 days after October first, or the licensee shall pay the renewal registration fee and a penalty of $300. Among the conditions to be prescribed by the State Board of Podiatry is the requirement that evidence be furnished by the applicant for renewal of completion of a continuing education program. Such program shall consist of no less than 12 hours, which shall be obtained at the annual state meeting of the Alabama Podiatry Association or any other continuing education program approved by the State Board of Podiatry. Any licensed podiatrist who is inactive in the practice of podiatry for a period of two years may have his or her license renewed to practice his profession on such conditions as may be prescribed by the State Board of Podiatry.


OPIOID Requirement - 2 credits on controlled substances  Alabama Board of Medical Examiners

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Arkansas 1
100% 06/30/2025
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Twenty (20) hours of continuing education shall be required for the renewal of an individual license. These must be obtained in the twelve month period immediately preceding the year for which the license is to be issued. The hours approved must be from any of the following sources:

  • Any program approved by the Council on Continuing Education of the American Podiatric Medical Association.
  • Hospital programs up to three (3) hours verified by the continuing education director of that hospital.
  • National and state sponsored programs as per the guidelines established by the Council Of Continuing Education of the American Podiatric Medical Association and the Board.
  • A maximum of three (3) hours credit internet courses if approved by the Council of Continuing Education of the American Podiatric Medical Association At least fifteen (15) of the hours must be related directly to the field of podiatric medicine.

Received from 
AR Board of Podiatric Medicine on 09242024

  1. As part of the application for annual license renewal, licensees must submit to the Board proof that they completed twenty hours of approved continuing medical education within the year prior to the license renewal date.

  2. A continuing medical education hour shall be considered “approved” if:

            (A)       The hour has been approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education of the American Podiatric Medical Association;

            (B)       The hour was obtained when attending official meetings presented by any State Podiatric Medical Association;

            (C)      The hour was obtained from meetings approved by the Council on Medical Education of the American Medical Association or approved by the Council on Osteopathic Medical Education of the American Osteopathic Association as long as the hours pertain to the practice of Podiatric Medicine and

            (D)      The hour was obtained from hospital lectures, as long as the hour pertains to the practice of Podiatric Medicine.

  1. The Board will accept any “approved” hours, as that term is defined in Article VIII., section 2 above, regardless of whether those hours are from meetings, the internet, or periodicals.

OPIOID Requirement - 3 hours in prescribing education within the first 2 years of licensure  Arkansas State Medical Board 


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Arizona 1
100% 06/30/2025
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Pursuant to A.R.S. § 32-829(A), any licensee who wishes to renew their Arizona podiatry license must present evidence satisfactory to the Board that in the year preceding the application for renewal the licensee attended at least twenty-five (25) hours of Board approved continuing education courses or programs.

Continuing medical education ("CME") courses must be completed between July 1 and June 30 for each applicable renewal year. A licensee may take up to ten (10) hours of CME on the Internet, on a CD-ROM or in podiatric medical literature such as a journal. The licensee's CME report is incorporated into his/her annual license renewal application.

Types of CME courses that are generally approved include hands-on courses in podiatric assessment, anatomy and physiology, surgical techniques, wound care, billing and coding, practice management, ethics, documentation and charting and courses related to medical areas such as diabetes, pharmacology, geriatrics, disease pathology and physical therapy.

Pursuact to A.R.S. § 32-829(C), licensees may request a waiver of CME by submitting satisfactory proof that they were prevented from attending educational programs because of disability, military service or absence from the continental United States.


OPIOID Requirement - 3 hours on opioids  Arizona Medical Board 


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California 2
100% N/A
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BPM regulations require each licensee to complete at least 50 units/hours of approved CMEs during each two year license period. At least 12 units must be in subjects related to the lower extremity muscular skeletal system, and one of the continuing competence pathways specified in Business and Professions Code Section 2496(a) through (h), during each two (2) year renewal period. All courses must be scientific in content, and relate directly to patient care. Licensees must maintain records of CME attendance for a minimum of 4 years in case of audit. The following courses are approved for CME credit:.

  • Programs approved by the California Podiatric Medical Association or the American Podiatric Medical Association and their affiliated organizations
  • Programs approved for Category 1 credit of the American Medical Association, the California Medical Association, or their affiliated organizations, and programs approved by the American Osteopathic Association, Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of California, or their affiliated organizations
  • Programs offered by approved colleges or schools of podiatric medicine, medicine, and osteopathic medicine

In addition to the general requirement to earn 50 CME/CECH credits every 2 years for license renewal, California podiatrists have an additional requirement to earn radiology credits if they take x-rays in their office. The Continuing Education Requirements for Certificate/Permit Renewal regulations of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), last updated in Feb 2017, states that anyone taking x-rays in California must meet the requirements for licensure as a Certified Radiologic Technologist. Those requirements include earning 10 CME credits every two years, “related to the application of X-ray to the human body” which may include “X-ray administration, X-ray management, X-ray pathology, X-ray diagnosis and X-ray quality control.” They go on to say that, “It is the responsibility of the certificate or permit holder to ascertain the acceptability of the continuing education activity as a CE credit for the Department’s purposes.”

Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations Section 1399.669 requires each Doctor of Podiatric Medicine to complete 50 hours of approved continuing education, including a minimum of 12 hours in subjects related to the lower extremity muscular skeletal system. All courses must be scientific in content, and relate directly to patient care.

Licensees must maintain records of continuing education course attendance for a minimum of 4 years, in the event of an audit.

Continuing Education Requirements for Certificate/Permit Renewal


Podiatric Medical Board of California


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Colorado 1
100% 08/31/2025
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(Each license period, podiatrists must complete a minimum of ten (10) hours of continuing education sufficient to maintain currency in the field of podiatry. This requirement becomes effective immediately upon licensure and must be completed before a license is renewed. Effective immediately upon licensure AND IN ADDITION TO Continuing Education requirements, podiatrists must demonstrate Ongoing Professional Development in order to renew a license by one of the following three methods:  The continued Compentcy Program: • Complete the Reflective Self-Assessment Tool (RSAT).
• Establish learning goals and complete the Learning Goals Tool.
• Complete the ten (10) required CE hours and ensure that they are in line with your learning goals.  Retain documentation of the completed CE activities.
• Complete one of the following Board-approved Assessment of Knowledge and Skill (AKS) once every five (5) years:
o The current version of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) Orthopedic Self-Assessment Examination
o The Podiatry Insurance Company of America (PICA) home study (current version)
o If an AKS delivers CE credit, that credit may count toward the 10 CE hours required for the corresponding license period.



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D.C. 2
100% 03/31/2026
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Podiatrist must complete fifty (50) hours of approved CMEs to include: • At least ten percent (10%) or five (5) hours of the 50 required CMEs shall be in the subjects related to public health: Policy Statement on Identifying Public Health Issues for Continuing Education. • Two (2) hours of the fifty (50) required CMEs shall be in cultural competence and appropriate clinical treatment specifically for individuals who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender non-conforming, queer, or questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. • Twenty-five (25) CME credits shall be directly related to the practice of podiatric medicine. • The CME credits may include the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification. Please note, for this 2022 renewal period, continuing medical education requirements may be satisfied through approved online continuing education courses. New COVID-19 Continuing Education (CE) Requirement: On July 22, 2021, emergency rules were adopted requiring in addition to any other CME requirements, you must complete on or before September 30, 2021, Two (2) hours of continuing education on SARSCoV-2 vaccines, including, but not limited to, SARS-CoV-2 vaccine safety, best practices for counseling patients about SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness. The new CE requirement may be counted as hours required for public health priorities training hours or optional training hours where applicable


Continuing Education

6.1 “Continuing medical education (CME),” as that term is herein applied by the Board, includes any and all continuing education requirements, as herein below provided, which must be satisfied biennially by all licensed practitioners as a condition for licensure renewal. Each licensed practitioner shall complete, on or before June 30 of even numbered years at least 32 hours of continuing education as a condition of license renewal.

6.2 Each practitioner shall be exempt from the continuing education requirement in the first biennial licensing period, or any portion thereof, in which he is licensed to practice in Delaware. During the renewal process, a practitioner shall attest to his satisfactory completion of the continuing education requirements for the previous two (2) years. Attestation may be completed electronically if the renewal is accomplished online. In the alternative, paper renewal documents that contain the attestation of completion may be submitted. Each licensee must maintain a Podiatry CME log, on a form to be supplied by the Board, indicating the date, title, sponsor, and number of hours the licensee attended, for each continuing education program submitted for credit. Random audits will be performed by the Board to ensure compliance with the continuing education requirement. Licensees selected for the random audit shall submit validated documents which evidence satisfactory completion of the continuing education requirements for the previous two (2) years. The Board reserves the right to request additional documentation, such as copies of program materials, to verify CME compliance in the course of a random audit.

6.3 Only approved courses will be counted toward the 32 hour biennial continuing education requirement. A practitioner may gain approval of any course or program by written application to the Board, stating the title, sponsor and summary of course content. The Board may act upon all such requests at the next regularly scheduled meeting, may act upon such requests at any intervening special meeting convened to consider other issues, or may delegate to any member of the Board the authority to approve continuing education courses on behalf of the Board. Any practitioner who attends and/or completes a course which has not yet been approved by the Board does so at his own risk that the Board may not approve the said course nor allow it to be counted toward completion of the annual requirement of 32 hours of continuing education.

6.4 Content. The overriding consideration in determining if a specific program qualifies for continuing education is that it be a formal program of learning which contributes directly to the professional competence of the licensee. No credit shall be given for business or practice seminars.

6.4.1 Computer, television or video based courses and other independent study courses may be submitted to the Board for approval, however no such course will be approved for credit unless it includes successful completion of a final examination or paper.

6.4.2 The following programs will be deemed to qualify for continuing education without prior Board approval: Any program approved by the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA), and approved affiliates. Any seminar sponsored by the Delaware Podiatric Medical Association (DMPA). Any podiatric program sponsored by a hospital or clinic as part of a CPME approved residency program.

6.5 Hardship. The Board has the authority to make exceptions to the continuing education requirements upon written request of the licensee and a showing of good cause. “Good cause” may include, but is not limited to, disability, illness, military service, foreign residency, and retirement. Upon application, the Board shall set the time in which the licensee must complete the continuing education requirement. No extension shall be granted for more than 120 days after the end of the licensing period.

6.6 Self-directed activity

6.6.1 The Board may, upon request, review and approve credit for self-directed activities, including research, preparation and/or presentation of professional papers and articles, to a maximum of eight (8) hours per biennial licensing period. A licensee must obtain pre-approval of the Board prior to undertaking the self-directed activity in order to assure continuing education credit for the activity. Any self-directed activity submitted for approval must include a written proposal outlining the scope of the activity, the number of continuing education hours requested, the anticipated completion date(s), the role of the licensee in the case of multiple participants (e.g. research) and whether any part of the self-directed activity has ever been previously approved or submitted for credit by the same licensee.

6.6.2 The Board may award up to a maximum of eight (8) continuing education hours for the first-time preparation and presentation of an approved podiatric clinical course, in-service training, workshop, or seminar. A copy of the course syllabus and verification that the course was presented is required for Board approval.

District of Columbia Municipal Regulations for Podiatry

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Delaware 2
100% 06/30/2025
Requirements Complete Info

Continuing Education

6.1 “Continuing medical education (CME),” as that term is herein applied by the Board, includes any and all continuing education requirements, as herein below provided, which must be satisfied biennially by all licensed practitioners as a condition for licensure renewal. Each licensed practitioner shall complete, on or before June 30 of even numbered years at least 32 hours of continuing education as a condition of license renewal.

6.2 Each practitioner shall be exempt from the continuing education requirement in the first biennial licensing period, or any portion thereof, in which he is licensed to practice in Delaware. During the renewal process, a practitioner shall attest to his satisfactory completion of the continuing education requirements for the previous two (2) years. Attestation may be completed electronically if the renewal is accomplished online. In the alternative, paper renewal documents that contain the attestation of completion may be submitted. Each licensee must maintain a Podiatry CME log, on a form to be supplied by the Board, indicating the date, title, sponsor, and number of hours the licensee attended, for each continuing education program submitted for credit. Random audits will be performed by the Board to ensure compliance with the continuing education requirement. Licensees selected for the random audit shall submit validated documents which evidence satisfactory completion of the continuing education requirements for the previous two (2) years. The Board reserves the right to request additional documentation, such as copies of program materials, to verify CME compliance in the course of a random audit.

6.3 Only approved courses will be counted toward the 32 hour biennial continuing education requirement. A practitioner may gain approval of any course or program by written application to the Board, stating the title, sponsor and summary of course content. The Board may act upon all such requests at the next regularly scheduled meeting, may act upon such requests at any intervening special meeting convened to consider other issues, or may delegate to any member of the Board the authority to approve continuing education courses on behalf of the Board. Any practitioner who attends and/or completes a course which has not yet been approved by the Board does so at his own risk that the Board may not approve the said course nor allow it to be counted toward completion of the annual requirement of 32 hours of continuing education.

6.4 Content. The overriding consideration in determining if a specific program qualifies for continuing education is that it be a formal program of learning which contributes directly to the professional competence of the licensee. No credit shall be given for business or practice seminars.

6.4.1 Computer, television or video based courses and other independent study courses may be submitted to the Board for approval, however no such course will be approved for credit unless it includes successful completion of a final examination or paper.

6.4.2 The following programs will be deemed to qualify for continuing education without prior Board approval: Any program approved by the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA), and approved affiliates. Any seminar sponsored by the Delaware Podiatric Medical Association (DMPA). Any podiatric program sponsored by a hospital or clinic as part of a CPME approved residency program.

6.5 Hardship. The Board has the authority to make exceptions to the continuing education requirements upon written request of the licensee and a showing of good cause. “Good cause” may include, but is not limited to, disability, illness, military service, foreign residency, and retirement. Upon application, the Board shall set the time in which the licensee must complete the continuing education requirement. No extension shall be granted for more than 120 days after the end of the licensing period.

6.6 Self-directed activity

6.6.1 The Board may, upon request, review and approve credit for self-directed activities, including research, preparation and/or presentation of professional papers and articles, to a maximum of eight (8) hours per biennial licensing period. A licensee must obtain pre-approval of the Board prior to undertaking the self-directed activity in order to assure continuing education credit for the activity. Any self-directed activity submitted for approval must include a written proposal outlining the scope of the activity, the number of continuing education hours requested, the anticipated completion date(s), the role of the licensee in the case of multiple participants (e.g. research) and whether any part of the self-directed activity has ever been previously approved or submitted for credit by the same licensee.

6.6.2 The Board may award up to a maximum of eight (8) continuing education hours for the first-time preparation and presentation of an approved podiatric clinical course, in-service training, workshop, or seminar. A copy of the course syllabus and verification that the course was presented is required for Board approval.

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Hawaii 2
100% 01/31/2026
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All licenses, regardless of issuance date, are renewable biennially on or before January 31 of each even-numbered year. To renew, a fee is due and forty (40) hours of continuing education in podiatry is required. For details on continuing education, refer to subchapter 8 of the Board's administrative rules. Failure to renew constitutes a "forfeiture" of license. A license that has been forfeited for one renewal term (2 years), shall be automatically terminated and cannot be restored. A new application will be required.

Hawaii Podiatrist CME Requirement


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Idaho 1
100% N/A
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Education Requirement for License Renewal. Each podiatrist licensed by the state of Idaho must complete in each twelve-month period preceding the renewal of a license to  practice podiatry in Idaho, a minimum of fifteen (15) full hours of podiatry continuing education. Continuing education includes lectures, conferences, seminars, moderator-guided panel discussions, clinical and practical workshops, internet based learning and home study. Education must be germane to the practice of podiatry; and (3-31-22)T
a. Approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education; or (3-31-22)T
b. Otherwise approved by the Board. (3-31-22)T


01. Education Requirement for License Renewal. Each podiatrist licensed by the state of Idaho must
complete in each twelve-month period preceding the renewal of a license to practice podiatry in Idaho, a minimum of
fifteen (15) full hours of podiatry continuing education. Continuing education includes lectures, conferences,
seminars, moderator-guided panel discussions, clinical and practical workshops, internet based learning and home
study. Education must be germane to the practice of podiatry; and (3-31-22)T
a. Approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education; or (3-31-22)T
b. Otherwise approved by the Board. (3-31-22)T
02. Submission of License Renewal Application Form. Each licensed Idaho podiatrist will be
furnished a license renewal application form by the Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses on which
each podiatrist will be required to certify by signed affidavit that compliance with the continuing education
requirements has been met and must submit the renewal application together with the required fees to the Division.
03. Verification of Completion. A licensee must maintain verification of completion by securing
authorized signatures or other documentation from the course instructors or sponsoring institution substantiating any
and all hours completed by the licensee. This verification must be maintained by the licensee and provided to the
Board upon the request of the Board or its agent. The Board will conduct random audits to monitor compliance.
Failure to provide proof of meeting the continuing education upon request of the Board will be grounds for
disciplinary action. (3-31-22)T
04. Carryover of Continuing Education Hours. Continuing education not claimed for credit in the
current renewal year may be credited for the next renewal year. A maximum of fifteen (15) hours may be carried
forward from the immediately preceding year. (3-31-22)T
05. Special Exemption. The Board has authority to make exceptions for reasons of individual
hardship, including health, when certified by a medical doctor, or for other good cause. The licensee must provide
any information requested by t

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Illinois 2
100% 01/31/2026
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Continuing Education Hour Requirements

  1. Every renewal applicant who applies for renewal of a license as a podiatric physician must complete 100 hours of continuing education (CE) relevant to the practice of podiatric medicine.
  2. A prerenewal period is the 24 months preceding January 31 of each odd-numbered year.
  3. A renewal applicant is not required to comply with CE requirements for the first renewal.
  4. Podiatric physicians licensed in Illinois but residing and practicing in other states must comply with the CE requirements set forth in this Section.


OPIOID Requirement - 3 hours on safe opioid prescribing practices  Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation

Podiatric Medical Licensing Board - State of Illinois 

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Indiana 2
100% 06/30/2025
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  • A licensee who renews a license as a podiatrist shall complete no less than thirty (30) hours of continuing podiatric medical education in courses or programs approved by any of the approved sponsors in each two (2) year renewal period.
  • A podiatrist is not required to complete continuing education requirements for the year in which the initial license is issued.
    • If you received your initial license in the first licensure year, then you are only required to have completed fifteen (15) hours of continuing podiatric medical education for this renewal period in order to renew your license.
    • If you received your initial license in the second licensure year, then you are not required to have completed any hours of continuing podiatric medical education for this renewal period in order to renew your license.
  • Continuing podiatric medical education acquired in any area other than podiatric medicine will not be accepted.
  • Continuing education credit units or clock hours must be obtained within the renewal period and may not be carried over from one (1) licensure period to another.


OPIOID Requirement - 2 hours of opioid prescribing and opioid abuse  Medical Licensing Board of Indiana 

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Kansas 3
100% 10/31/2024
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Each podiatrist shall complete a minimum of 54 hours of Category I continuing education during the preceding three-year period.

  • Category I continuing education shall mean a continuing education activity that is presented by a person qualified by practical or academic experience, using any of the following methods: lecture, panel discussion, workshop, seminar, symposium, or any other structured, interactive, and formal learning method that the board deems to meet the requirements of subsection. Practice Handbook ref. section 100-49-8.
  • Category II continuing education shall mean attendance at a lecture, panel discussion, workshop, seminar, symposium, college course, professional publication, in-service training, or professional activity that the board determines does not meet the requirements of category I, but that is in a health-related field indirectly related to healing arts skill and knowledge.  Category II continuing education shall include the following: Clinical consultations with other healing arts Practitioners that contribute to a Practitioner’s education, participation in activities to review the quality of patient care, instructing healing arts and other health care Practitioners, patient-centered discussions with other health care Practitioners, participating in journal clubs, using searchable electronic databases in connection with patient care activities; and using self-instructional materials. Practice Handbook re. section 100-49-8.

Continuing education.
(a) Every licensed podiatrist in the active practice of podiatry within Kansas shall
submit with the request for renewal under K.S.A. 65-2005 and amendments thereto
evidence of satisfactory completion of a continuing education course approved by the
board. The board shall revoke the license of any individual who fails to submit proof of
completion of such course. Where a license has been revoked for this cause, the board
may later reissue such license if proof of completion of such course is later provided.
(b) Every licensed podiatrist in the active practice of podiatry within Kansas, in
order to comply with the provisions of this section, shall complete such hours of
continuing education as may be required by the board by rules and regulations. The
following categories of continuing education programs shall count toward satisfying the
hourly requirement: (1) Programs offered by colleges of podiatry; (2) veterans
administration programs; (3) American podiatry association programs; (4) state podiatry
association programs; (5) seminars sponsored by recognized specialty groups of the
American podiatry association; and (6) the activities of persons publishing papers,
presenting clinics, lecturing and teaching shall be granted 10 credit hours for each hour
of original presentation and hour for hour credit for additional presentations of the same
(c) Formal meetings and seminars which are not included in any category of
subsection (b) shall be assigned credit by the board upon the licensee furnishing a copy
of the program of such meetings and seminars to the board for the board's approval 30
days prior to the license renewal date. Podiatrists engaged in acceptable internships,
residencies, military service or formal graduate study will fulfill their continuing
education requirements by the nature of their activities and shall not be required to fulfill the formal requirements for continuing education while involved in the above
training programs.
(d) Commercially sponsored courses shall not constitute approved courses for
continuing education credit.
(e) Each licensed podiatrist shall be responsible for keeping a record of attendance
for credit in compliance with the requirements of continuing education established by
this section. Such record shall be submitted to the board at the time required by
subsection (a). The board may waive educational requirements set forth in subsections
(a) and (b) for good cause shown


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Louisiana 1
100% N/A
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Every podiatrist seeking the renewal or reinstatement of licensure, to be effective on or after January 1, 2005, shall annually evidence and document, upon forms supplied by the board, the successful completion of not less than 20 hours of board approved CME.

Louisiana Board of Podiatry Rules


OPIOID Requirement - 3 hours drug diversion training, best practices regarding prescribing of controlled substances, appropriate treatment for addiction, and any other matters pertaining to the prescribing of CDS that are deemed appropriate by the licensing board.  Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners

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Massachusetts 2
100% 12/31/2025
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Each licensee shall present satisfactory evidence to the Board that in the previous 12 months he or she attended an educational conference(s) or program(s) approved by the Board for not less than 15 CME credits: provided however, that the Board may exempt from this requirement licensees who submit satisfactory proof that they were unable to attend an educational conference or program because of illness or other good cause. Requests for a waiver of the CME requirement due to special circumstances must be submitted in writing and directed to the Secretary of the Board. Only CME credits which have specifically been approved by the Board may be used to meet this requirement. Courses or programs approved for CME credit by the APMA or the Council of Pediatric Medical Education are approved by the Board.


OPIOID Requirement - 3 hours in pain management  Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine

Continuing Medical Education (CME)
(1) Each licensee shall present satisfactory evidence to the Board that in the previous 12 months
he or she attended an educational conference(s) or program(s) approved by the Board for not less
than 15 CME credits: provided however, that the Board may exempt from this requirement
licensees who submit satisfactoryproof that theywere unable to attend an educational conference
or program because of illness or other good cause. Requests for a waiver of the CME
requirement due to special circumstances must be submitted in writing and directed to the
Secretary of the Board. Only CME credits which have specifically been approved by the Board
may be used to meet this requirement. Courses or programs approved for CME credit by the
APMA or the Council of Podiatric Medical Education are approved by the Board.
(2) Opioid Education and Pain Management Training. At least one credit of CME taken in the
previous one year shall be in pain management training, pursuant to St. 2010, c. 283. Pain
management training shall include, but not be limited to, training in how to identify patients at
high risk for substance abuse and training in how to counsel patients on the side effects, addictive
nature and proper storage and disposal of prescription medicines.
(3) Any teaching organization or institute seeking CME approval from the Board shall submit
a written request to the Secretary of the Board and shall provide a detailed course description.
Additional information may be requested at the Board's discretion.
(4) Audit and Sanctions for Noncompliance.
(a) Each licensee at the time of license renewal shall sign a statement, under penalty of
perjury, that he or she has or has complied with the CME requirements set by the Board.
(b) A licensee who has not complied with the CME requirement shall not submit a renewal
application and shall not practice with a lapsed/expired license. A licensee seeking a waiver
of the CME requirement shall not be eligible for renewal of his or her license until he or she
has received a written waiver of the CME requirement from the Board.
(c) The Board shall audit once each year a random sample of licensees who have reported
compliance with the CME requirement. Those licensees selected for audit shall be required
to document their compliance with the CME requirements of 249 CMR 3.05 on a form
provided by the Board. 

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Maryland 2
100% 12/01/2025
Requirements Complete Info
  • What is the length of your license renewal period?

The Maryland Board of Podiatry has a two (2) year licensing cycle. The biennial cycle begins January1 and ends on December 1 of the odd year.

  • How many CME credits are required per renewal period?

During the annual renewal period, a minimum requirement of 50 CME’s are due. Of the 50 CME’s, 25are required in Podiatric medicine (Category A). The additional 25 CME’s can be obtained from any interest within the medical field (Category B). Additionally, the CPR/BLS requirement counts toward 3 CME credits in Category A. All CME’s are due by December 1 of the renewal year. Random audits are conducted to ensure compliance. In the instance that a Doctor is unsure about the category in which the CME falls, or if it is qualified, a CME approval request form should be completed and submitted with the course/lecture syllabus to the Board for review. A comprehensive list of Board approved CME sponsors can be found here.

  • How many CME credits can be earned online per renewal period?

All 50 CME’s, as stated in COMAR §D, can be obtained online. However, the CPR requirement must include the hands-on portion (BLS) as stated in COMAR §B(6).

  • Does your State distinguish between on-demand CME lectures and live streamed virtual

conferences or webinars?

The Maryland Board of Podiatry does not distinguish between on-demand CME lectures and live streamed virtual conferences or webinars. Both the on-demand CME lectures and live streamed virtual conferences are acceptable as long as all previously listed CME requirements are met.

  • How many CMEs can be earned at a virtual conference or webinar?

There is no specific number of CME’s that can be earned at a virtual conference or webinar. Doctors should keep in mind that 25 CME’s are directly related to Podiatric medicine; while the additional 25 CME’s can be within the medical field.

  • How many CMEs can be earned via on-demand CME lectures?

There are no specific number of CME’s that can be earned via on-demand CME lectures. Doctors should keep in mind that 25 CME’s are directly related to Podiatric medicine; while the additional 25 CME’s can be within the medical field.

  • Random audits are conducted to ensure compliance
  • CME's are due by December 1st. There may be no exceptions as 30 days are required to review these educational requirements prior to issuing the license


A licensee shall complete not less than 50 credit hours of continuing education accrued during the 2-year period from December 1, 2019 through December 1, 2021. ALL 50 CME credit hours may be obtained in-person or online, including the 3 CME credits awarded for CPR for a current non-lapsing certification, however, 25 CME obtained credits must be directly related to the practice of podiatric medicine. All course work submitted to the Board must be pre-approved by the Board


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Maine 2
100% 06/30/2025
Requirements Complete Info

Any licensee who renders patient service, either full or part-time, shall be required to complete 25 credit hours of continuing medical education (CME) every two (2) years. In addition to this 25 hours, each licensee must submit documentation of CPR recertification.

Each Doctor of Podiatric Medicine licensed by the State of Maine shall submit to the Board, on a form provided by the Board, satisfactory evidence that a program of continuing medical education has been completed.

A minimum of 15 hours of the total 25 hour requirement must be obtained in Category 1 activities as set forth below.

Any individual who is licensed after June 30th of any even numbered year will be required to obtain 12.5 hours of continuing medical education for the first renewal. A minimum of 7.5 hours must be in Category 1 activities as set forth below.


OPIOID Requirement - 3 hours on the prescribing of opioid medication every renewal  Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine

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Michigan 3
100% 03/01/2027
Requirements Complete Info

The continuing education requirements apply to every physician renewing a Michigan podiatrist license who has been licensed for the
3-year period immediately preceding an application for renewal. The requirements apply whether or not the physician is actively
engaged in the practice of podiatric medicine and surgery. No one, including medical school faculty and resident physicians, is exempt
from this requirement.
Each podiatrist is required to complete 150 hours of continuing podiatric medical education in activities approved by the board. At
least 3 of the continuing podiatric medical education hours must be completed in pain and symptom management in each renewal
period. Effective September 4, 2020, each podiatrist shall have earned at least 1 continuing podiatric medical education hour in medical
ethics and at least 2 continuing podiatric medical education hours in controlled substance prescribing.
Every podiatrist who is renewing his/her license must retain documentation of meeting the requirements of continuing education.
Those documents should be retained for a period of 4 years from the date of applying for license renewal. 


OPIOID Requirement - Minimum of 3 hours in pain & symptom management  Michigan Board of Medicine


The continuing education requirements apply to every physician renewing a Michigan medical license who has been licensed in the 3-year period immediately
preceding the application for renewal. The requirements apply whether or not the physician is actively engaged in the practice of medicine. No one, including
medical school faculty and resident physicians, is exempt from this requirement.
Each medical doctor is required to complete 150 hours of continuing education in courses or programs approved by the board of which a minimum 75 hours
of the required 150 hours must be earned in courses or programs designated as Category 1 programs. A minimum of 1 hour of continuing education must
be earned in the area of medical ethics. Effective December 6, 2017 a minimum of 3 hours of continuing education must be earned in the area of
pain and symptom management.
Every medical doctor who is renewing his/her license should retain records documenting the completion of continuing education. Those documents must be
retained for 4 years from the date of applying for license renewal.


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Mississippi 2
100% 06/30/2026
Requirements Complete Info

Every Mississippi licensee must earn or receive not less than forty (40) hours of Category I continuing medical education in a two-year cycle as a condition
precedent to renewing his or her license for the next fiscal year. Excess hours may not be carried over to another two-year cycle. For the purpose of this
regulation, the two-year period begins July 1, 2000, and every two years thereafter If the podiatrist has a current DEA certificate, 5 hours of the 40 must be in the prescribing of controlled substances.


OPIOID Requirement - 5 hours related to prescribing of medications - emphasis on controlled substances  Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure

CME Requirements

Every Mississippi licensee must earn or receive not less than forty (40) hours of Category 1
continuing medical education in a two-year cycle as a condition precedent to renewing his or her
license for the next fiscal year. For every Mississippi licensee with an active DEA certificate, five
hours must be related to the prescribing of medications with an emphasis on controlled substances.
Excess hours may not be carried over to another two-year cycle. For the purpose of this regulation,
the two-year period begins July 1, 2000, and every two years thereafter.
A. Category 1 continuing medical education shall mean those programs of continuing
medical education designated as Category 1 which are sponsored or conducted by those
organizations approved by the Mississippi State Medical Association, American Medical Association or by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical
Education (ACCME) to sponsor or conduct Category 1 continuing medical education
B. Programs of continuing medical education designated as Category 1-A which are
sponsored or conducted by organizations or entities accredited by the American
Osteopathic Association to sponsor or conduct Category 1-A continuing medical
education for osteopathic physicians.
C. Programs of continuing medical education designated as a “prescribed hour” which are
sponsored or conducted by organizations or entities accredited by the American
Academy of Family Physicians to sponsor or conduct “prescribed hours” of continuing
medical education.
D. Programs of continuing medical education designated as “cognates” which are
sponsored or conducted by organizations or entities which are accredited by the
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology to sponsor or conduct approved
cognates on obstetrical and gynecological related subjects.
E. Programs of continuing medical education designated as Category 1-A which are
sponsored or conducted by organizations or entities accredited by the Council on
Podiatric Medical Education to sponsor or conduct Category 1-A continuing medical
education for podiatrists

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North Carolina 1
100% 06/30/2025
Requirements Complete Info

COVID Waiver


The current pandemic continues to impact the availability of CME, raises health concerns, and generally imposes a hardship upon practitioners.

Accordingly, the Board has voted to extend the waiver clause set forth in Administrative Rule 21 NCAC 52 .0208 (e) based upon the existence of “Certified Illness, Medical Conditions, Natural Disaster or Undue Hardship.” For renewals due June 30, 2023 a NC licensed podiatrist may utilize online continuing education to satisfy 100% of the CME requirements for license renewal.  All of sections of the CME policy remain in effect and will be enforced. 

Twenty-five (25) hours are required annually, including one hour of controlled substances prescribing practices. A minimum of twenty (20) hours must be CPME or APMA approved courses (Please see below for links).  The remaining five (5) hours can still fall into the Category 2 hours from the CME Policy.  Any proposed credits outside of the above guidance must be approved by the Board’s staff in advance. 

This waiver does not apply for renewals due after June 30, 2023.

North Carolina Board of Podiatry Examiners - CME Requirement

Completion of 25 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME) is required per year (July 1-June 30) for renewal of licensure. CME credits shall not be carried over from the previous licensure year 

Category 1: Minimum requirement 20 hours per year, as follows:
(1) CME credit shall be granted for attendance at educational seminars offered by the NCF&AS. The
number of qualifying hours of continuing education shall be determined and approved by the
Board in advance based on the standards in 90-202.11. NCF&AS shall submit to the Board a
listing of individuals attending its CME events and credits earned.
(2) CME credit shall be granted for attendance at educational seminars offered by other national, state,
and podiatric education providers, as certified by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education
(CPME) of the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA). The number of qualifying hours
of continuing education shall be determined and approved by the Board.
(3) Lecturers shall be granted one hour of credit for each hour of CPME- or APMA- approved lectures
given, but such credit shall be limited to one hour for each discrete topic. A brief summary of the
content of each lecture shall be submitted to the Board for approval.
(4) Category 1 is limited to live educational seminars either offered by NCF&AS or by sponsors preapproved by CPME:
http://www.cpme.org (CPME 700: "Approved Sponsors of Continuing Education in Podiatry").
(APMA or CPME-approved online or journal courses are considered Category 2.)
(5) Since CPME evaluates only CME conducted in the United States, North Carolina-licensed
podiatrists practicing outside the United States or participating in a foreign fellowship or other
short-term residency abroad may apply to the Board to have their continuing medical education
credits from their country of practice considered and evaluated by the Board on an individual
(d) Category 2: A maximum of only 5 of the total 25 CME hours per year shall be allowed as follows:
(1) CME credit shall be allowed for educational programs approved for Category 1 credit by the
American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) or their
affiliated organizations.
(2) CME credit shall be allowed for courses approved by North Carolina Area Health Education
Centers (AHEC).
(3) Online or medical journal courses approved by CPME are permitted.

OPIOID Requirement - 3 hours in controlled substances  North Carolina Medical Board

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North Dakota 1
100% 12/31/2024
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A licensed podiatrist shall at the time of submitting the annual renewal application and as a
condition of renewal submit to the board satisfactory evidence of having completed a minimum of sixty
hours of study in the continuing education courses approved by the board and completed during the
thirty-six months preceding renewal. If a podiatrist has not been licensed the full thirty-six months
preceding renewal, a licensed podiatrist shall submit satisfactory evidence showing completion of a
minimum of twenty hours of study in the continuing education courses approved by the board for each
calendar year of licensure, not including the year of licensure. 

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Nebraska 2
100% 04/01/2026
Requirements Complete Info

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. On or before April 1 of each even-numbered year
thereafter, each podiatrist who is in active practice in the state of Nebraska must complete 48
hours of continuing education approved by the Council of Podiatric Medical Education during
the preceding 24 month period.

143-008.01C Be responsible for:

  1. Verifying with the Department that the continuing education programs are approved by the Board;
  2. Maintaining documentation of attendance at or presentation of approved continuing education programs related directly to the theory or clinical application of theory pertaining to the practice of podiatry. Such programs include:
    1. State and national meetings, i.e., a meeting of the American Podiatric Medical Association.
    2. One hour credit for each hour of attendance, and only the portion of such meeting which meets the definition of continuing education can be accepted for credit.
    3. Formal education courses which relate directly to the theory or clinical application of theory pertaining to the practice of podiatry: (1) One hour credit for each hour of attendance.
    4. Podiatric college-sponsored courses in continuing education in podiatry: (1) One hour credit for each hour of attendance.
    5. Podiatric specialty society sponsored courses, i.e., the American College of Foot Surgeons, American College of Foot Orthopedists, American College of Foot Roentgenology: (1) One hour credit for each hour of attendance.
    6. Home study with testing mechanism. Licensee may complete a maximum of 16 hours of the continuing education requirements by home study during each 24 month renewal period. The home study program must have a testing mechanism and must be approved by the Board prior to completion of the home study continuing education program.

      (1) One credit hour for each hour of study; no more than 16 credit hours of this type of continuing education may be counted within a 24 month period.
    7. Examples of nonacceptable subject matter include, but are not limited to, practice management programs and education provided by a business entity for the purpose of promotion of their products or services.
  3. Maintaining documentation of presentation of an approved continuing education program. A presenter may receive credit for only the initial presentation during a renewal period. Credit will not be given for subsequent presentations of the same program.



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New Hampshire 2
100% 06/30/2026
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Podiatrists licensed in New Hampshire are required to show proof of 40 hours every 2 years, with at least 30 hours' attendance in formal courses given by an accredited American school or college of podiatry or medicine, or by a state or regional podiatric association recognized by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education or by the American Medical Association and no more than 10 hours of instructional media certified by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education (CPME). Courses must be accumulated between January 1 of the first year of the period and December 31 of the second year and must be reported before April 1 of the reporting year.


OPIOID Requirement - 3 hours in opioid prescribing for the management or treatment of pain, or for the treatment of opioid use disorder  New Hampshire Board of Medicine

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New Jersey 2
100% 10/31/2025
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Physicians and podiatrists must complete 100 credits of continuing medical education, minimum 40 must be Cat I, maximum 60 may be Category II for the two year period prior to renewal.

"Are continuing medical education credits required as a condition of renewal of licensure?

As of 2001, the legislature enacted a law to require continuing medical education as a condition for biennial registration renewal. Physicians and podiatrists must complete 100 credits of continuing medical education, minimum 40 must be Cat I, maximum 60 may be Category II for the two year period prior to renewal. This means those categories of medical education courses recognized by the American Medical Association, the American Osteopathic Association, the American Podiatric Medical Association, the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education or other comparable organizations recognized by the board.

The board may, in its discretion, waive requirements for continuing medical education on an individual basis for reasons of hardship such as illness or disability, retirement of license, or other good cause. A waiver shall apply only to the current biennial renewal period at the time of board issuance.

The CME Requirement applies to all doctors and podiatrists who hold active full fee or reduced fee (retired-paid) licenses, whether or not they are in active practice in New Jersey.


OPIOID Requirement - 1 credit related to responsible opioid prescribing, alternatives to opioids for managing pain, risk, and signs of opioid abuse, addiction, and diversion  New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners


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New Mexico 1
100% 01/01/2025
Requirements Complete Info
  • HOURS REQUIRED: Sixteen hours of continuing education are required annually, with two hours specifically related to pain management as defined in NMAC; or 32 hours bi-annually with four hours specifically related to pain management. Initial licenses issued for a period of less than six months do not
    require any continuing education for the initial licensing period. Licenses issued for more than six months but less than twelve months require eight hours of continuing education for the initial licensing period.
    A. Continuing education coursework must contribute directly to the practice of podiatric medicine.
    B. One hour of credit will be granted for every contact hour of instruction. This credit shall apply to either academic or clinical instruction.
    [ NMAC - Rp, Rule VII.A, 10-15-04; A, 7-15-07; A, 11-01-13] APPROVED COURSES: Continuing education courses offered or sponsored by the following organizations are automatically approved by the board:
    A. a college of podiatric medicine which is accredited by the “CPME” of the American podiatric medical association;
    B. constituent society of the American podiatric medical association;
    C. an organization or sponsor approved by the “CPME” of the American podiatric medical
    association; or
    D. hospital sponsored in-service programs related to the practice of podiatry.
  • https://www.srca.nm.gov/wp-content/uploads/attachments/16.021.0008.pdf


OPIOID Requirement - 5 hours in management of the treatment of pain  New Mexico Medical Board

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Nevada 2
100% 10/31/2024
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Continuing education for podiatric physician; certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation; waiver.

  • Every even-numbered year each podiatric physician must, at the time of paying the annual renewal fee, present to the Secretary of the Board satisfactory evidence that during the preceding 2 years the podiatric physician attended at least 50 hours of instruction in courses approved by the Board for purposes of continuing professional education and is currently certified in the techniques of administering cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The Board may waive all or part of the requirement of continuing education in a particular year if the podiatric physician was prevented from that attendance by circumstances beyond his or her control.
  • If a podiatric physician fails to provide proof of his or her continuing education and does not obtain a waiver from the Board, the license must not be renewed.


OPIOID Requirement - 2 credits in ethics, pain management, and/or addiction care and 2 credits in misuse and abuse of controlled substances, the prescribing of opioids, or addiction  Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners

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New York 3
100% N/A
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You must have completed 1.4 hours of continuing education coursework for each month of the preceding registration period in which you were registered to practice (50 hours in a normal three-year period) At least two-thirds (35 hours) of your continuing education coursework must be in the areas of podiatric medicine and surgery The remaining hours (15 hours) may be in the areas of health sciences or in areas dealing with podiatric practice issues such as ethics or risk management. A maximum of 25 home study credits (Category A or B) will be accepted in any three-year registration period.

Podiatrists, and registered nurses must complete course work or training appropriate to their practice regarding infection control and barrier precautions, including engineering and work controls to prevent the transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the hepatitis b virus (HBV) in the course of professional practice, every four years according to Section 6505-b of the Education Law.

Child Abuse  one time requirement effective 1989.


OPIOID Requirement - 3 hours in pain management, palliative care, and addiction  New York State Department of Health


To qualify for re-registration, you must have completed 1.4 hours of continuing education coursework for each month of the preceding registration period in which you were registered to practice (50 hours in a normal three-year period). The coursework must be approved by the New York State Board for Podiatry. To qualify for re-registration, you must complete the requirements in Category A and B.

  • Category A

    At least two-thirds (35 hours) of your continuing education coursework must be in the areas of podiatric medicine and surgery.

  • Category B

    The remaining hours (15 hours) may be in the areas of health sciences or in areas dealing with podiatric practice issues such as ethics or risk management.

A maximum of 25 home study credits (Category A or B) will be accepted in any three-year registration period. Continuing education credits for participation in podiatric residency programs will be awarded at the discretion of the Board.

NY State Podiatry Regulations


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Ohio 2
100% N/A
Requirements Complete Info


  • 100 CME hours in a two-year cycle
  • A minimum of 40 hours must be Category I
  • Residencies and fellowships earn one CME Category I hour per week.
  • *Effective 9/29/2017, the CME cycle period begins on the effective date of the license and ends on the date of expiration. If the CME was completed within the licensee's former CME cycle, it will be considered to count towards fulfillment of the requirements of the current CME cycle.

Category I:

  • Pre-approved accredited CME courses where a certificate is granted for completion of courses
  • On-line CME courses (all 40 Category I CME may be earned from online courses)
  • Accrediting agencies include: AMA, AOA, ACCME, AAFP, CPME, OHFAMA, most specialty boards, and hospitals

Category II:

  • Reading medical articles and journals
  • Attending medical lectures
  • Teaching Interns in physician's office
  • Other activities for which no certificate is granted for completion of course and/or Non-accredited CME courses CME Records/ Audits:
  • CME cycles are for two years; records of CME must be retained for two years after the end of the CME cycle
  • Physicians may be selected at random for auditing of CME hours. Upon receipt of an audit notification, the requested information must be provided within the timeframe indicated on the notice
  • All CME logs/ transcripts that are provided to the board must include the physician's Ohio license number



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Oklahoma 2
100% 06/30/2026
Requirements Complete Info

Continuing medical education (a) Requirements. (1) Each applicant for re-registration (renewal) of licensure shall certify every three years that he/she has completed the requisite hours of continuing medical education (C.M.E.). (2) Requisite hours of C.M.E. shall be sixty (60) hours of Category I obtained during the preceding three (3) years as defined by the American Medical Association/Oklahoma State Medical Association/American Academy of Family Physicians or other certifying organization recognized by the Board. (3) Newly licensed physicians will be required to begin reporting three years from the date licensure was granted.


Opiods - https://www.okmedicalboard.org/download/908/sb848.pdf

Oregon 2
100% 12/31/2025
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The Oregon Medical Board requirements on continuing medical competency requirements are detailed in OAR 847-008-0070.

   Licensee Types Hours Required
  Physician (Medical, Osteopathic, and Podiatric):  
  • Status: Active, Administrative Medicine Active, Locum Tenens, Telemedicine Active, Telemonitoring Active, Teleradiology Active (MD/DO only)
30 hours/year
  •    Status: Emeritus

15 hours/year


OPIOID Requirement - 6 hours in pain management  Oregon Medical Board

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Pennsylvania 2
100% 12/31/2026
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In order to renew a license, a podiatrist must have completed 50 hours of CME during the immediately
preceding two-year license period. A license period runs from January 1 of an odd-numbered year
through December 31 of the next even-numbered year.

  • Effective January 1, 2015, Per Act 31 of 2014, two (2) hours of Board-approved continuing
    education in child abuse recognition and reporting requirements must be completed for renewal
    or reactivation of a license. Details and a list of Board-approved providers can be found at
    www.dos.pa.gov. Verification of completion must be sent electronically and directly from the
    course provider. It may take up to 7 days for the provider to submit the records to the Board’s
  • Effective January 1, 2017, Section 9.1(a)(2) of ABC-MAP* requires that all prescribers or
    dispensers, as defined in Section 3 of ABC-MAP, complete at least two hours of continuing
    education in pain management, the identification of addiction or in the practices of prescribing or
    dispensing of opioids as a portion of the total continuing education required.
  • At least 30 CME hours must be in courses or programs that fall within the scope of podiatric
    medicine and are approved by the Board or the Council on Podiatric Medical Education
  • The remaining 20 CME hours may be in courses and programs that are in related medical
    subjects and that are approved by the American Medical Association or the American
    Osteopathic Association.
  • A maximum of 10 CME hours may be obtained through approved programs and courses that
    involve the review of magazine or journal articles.
  • Clock hours may be obtained by completeing approved synchronous or asynchrounous distance
    education courses and programs. Approved asynchronous distance education courses or
    programs must include a skill or knowledge assessment component in addition to all other





OPIOID Requirement - 2 hours of pain management, the identification of addiction or the practices of prescribing or dispensing of opioids  Pennsylvania State Board of Medicine

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Rhode Island 1
100% 09/30/2025
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Every podiatrist licensed to practice podiatry in this state under the provisions of the Act and the regulations herein, shall on or before the 30th of September of each year, have satisfactorily completed a minimum of fifteen (15) continuing medical education credits as approved by the Board of Examiners in Podiatry. Such approval shall be based on the Standards, Requirements, and Guidelines for Approval of Continuing Education in Podiatric Medicine of the Council on Podiatric Medical Education of the American Podiatry Medical Association.


OPIOID Requirement - 4 credits relating to topics in Opioid pain mgmt, chronic pain mgmt, end of life or palliative care  State of Rhode Island Department of Health

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South Carolina 2
100% 12/31/2025
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"A person licensed to practice podiatry must pay a biennial renewal license fee which must be established in regulation by the board, biennially must complete twenty-four hours of continuing medical education through a program approved by the South Carolina Board of Podiatry Examiners, and must submit documentation to the board of completion of this education. If a podiatrist is authorized pursuant to state and federal law to prescribe controlled substances, two of the requisite biennial hours of continuing education must be related to approved procedures of prescribing and monitoring controlled substances listed in Schedules II, III, and IV of the schedules provided for in Sections 44-53-210, 44-53-230, and 44-53-250. If the renewal fee is not accompanied with the appropriate continuing education documentation, the license may not be renewed and is considered late and subject to the penalties promulgated by the board in regulation. If the renewal fee is not paid within two months after the date of notification by the department that the fee is due, the license of the person failing to pay shall be considered late and a penalty imposed as determined by regulation. After an additional sixty days a nonrenewed license must be suspended or revoked and must be reissued only by a majority vote of the Board of Podiatry Examiners and upon payment of a late fee and penalties established by the board."



OPIOID Requirement - 2 credits of prescribing and monitoring controlled substances.  South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners

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South Dakota 2
100% 06/30/2025
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Each licensee shall, prior to July 1, 2001, and every two years thereafter, provide written verification to the Board of Podiatry Examiners of the completion of 30 hours of continuing medical education. The program hours must be approved and certified by the Council of Podiatric Medical Education of the American Podiatric Medical Association. The necessary verification shall accompany each application for licensure renewal. If satisfactory verification is not received, the board shall deny the renewal application or take action to revoke or suspend the license of an individual not in compliance.

Up to 30 additional hours of satisfactory continuing medical education can be carried over for two years only.



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Utah 2
100% 09/30/2026
Requirements Complete Info

58-5a-304. Continuing education.

  1. The division may require each person holding a license under this chapter to complete in each two-year period not more than 40 hours of qualified continuing professional education in accordance with standards defined by rule as a requirement prior to license renewal under this chapter.
  2. In establishing continuing education requirements under this section the division shall in collaboration with the board recognize the existing educational methods, procedures, devices, and programs in use among the various podiatry specialty organizations.
  3. The division shall give licensees credit toward continuing education requirements for participation in and completion of continuing education programs of:
    1. the American Podiatric Medical Association;
    2. the Utah Podiatric Medical Association;
    3. all colleges of podiatric medicine accredited by the Council on Education of the American Podiatric Medical Association; and
    4. similar programs of other organizations that are approved by the division in collaboration with the board.
  4. If a renewal period is shortened or extended to effect a change of the renewal cycle, the continuing education hours required for that renewal period shall be increased or decreased accordingly, as a pro rata amount of the requirements of a two-year period.


OPIOID Requirement - Controlled substance prescribers: 4 hrs controlled substance training - 0.5 hrs through an online tutorial/test provided by the board, the remaining 3.5 hours are AMA credits that meet board requirements  Utah Department of Commerce and Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing

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Virginia 2
100% N/A
Requirements Complete Info
  1. A. In order to renew an active license biennially, a practitioner shall attest to completion of at least 60 hours of continuing learning activities within the two years immediately preceding renewal as follows:

    1. A minimum of 30 of the 60 hours shall be in Type 1 activities or courses offered by an accredited sponsor or organization sanctioned by the profession.

    a. Type 1 hours in chiropractic shall be clinical hours that are approved by a college or university accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education or any other organization approved by the board.

    b. Type 1 hours in podiatry shall be accredited by the American Podiatric Medical Association, the American Council of Certified Podiatric Physicians and Surgeons or any other organization approved by the board.

    2. No more than 30 of the 60 hours may be Type 2 activities or courses, which may or may not be approved by an accredited sponsor or organization but which shall be chosen by the licensee to address such areas as ethics, standards of care, patient safety, new medical technology, and patient communication.

    a. Up to 15 of the Type 2 continuing education hours may be satisfied through delivery of services, without compensation, to low-income individuals receiving services through a local health department or a free clinic organized in whole or primarily for the delivery of health services. One hour of continuing education may be credited for one hour of providing such volunteer services. For the purpose of continuing education credit for voluntary service, documentation by the health department or free clinic shall be acceptable.

    b. Type 2 hours may include teaching in a health care profession field.

    B. A practitioner shall be exempt from the continuing competency requirements for the first biennial renewal following the date of initial licensure in Virginia.

    C. The practitioner shall retain in his records all supporting documentation for a period of six years following the renewal of an active license.

    D. The board shall periodically conduct a random audit of its active licensees to determine compliance. The practitioners selected for the audit shall provide all supporting documentation within 30 days of receiving notification of the audit.

    E. Failure to comply with these requirements may subject the licensee to disciplinary action by the board.

    F. The board may grant an extension of the deadline for continuing competency requirements for up to one year for good cause shown upon a written request from the licensee prior to the renewal date.

    G. The board may grant an exemption for all or part of the requirements for circumstances beyond the control of the licensee, such as temporary disability, mandatory military service, or officially declared disasters.

    H. The board may grant an exemption for all or part of the requirements for a licensee who:

    1. Is practicing solely in an uncompensated position, provided his practice is under the direction of a physician fully licensed by the board; or

    2. Is practicing solely as a medical examiner, provided the licensee obtains six hours of medical examiner training per year provided by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

 Licenses expire at the end of birth month in even years 

OPIOID Requirement - 2 hours in topics related to pain management, responsible prescribing of covered/controlled substances, and diagnosis and management of addiction  Virginia Board of Medicine

View Source
Vermont 2
100% 11/30/2024
Requirements Complete Info

) Except as provided in the following subparagraph, each physician applying for
renewal of a license to practice medicine must certify that he or she has completed at
least thirty hours of qualifying CME during the most recent two-year licensing
period, naming the subject, sponsor, date, location, and hours or credits for each
activity. During the initial licensing period that the requirement is in effect, training
during the six months preceding the licensing period may be used to satisfy CME
requirements; training completed during the period June 1, 2012 through November
30, 2012 will count as training completed December 1, 2012 through November 30,
2014. The licensee is not required to file documentation of CME that verifies 


  • Continuing Medical Education. Required CME: Prescribing Controlled Substances. All podiatry licensees who prescribe controlled substances shall certify at the time of each renewal that they have completed at least two hours of CME activity on controlled substances prescribing. The activity must be accredited as AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ training or Council on Podiatric Medical Education approved training. The following topics must be covered, as required by Vermont law: abuse and diversion, safe use, and appropriate storage and disposal of controlled substances; the appropriate use of the Vermont Prescription Monitoring System; risk assessment for abuse or addiction; pharmacological and nonpharmacological alternatives to opioids for managing pain; medication tapering and cessation of the use of controlled substances; and relevant State and federal laws and regulations concerning the prescription of opioid controlled substances. Each licensee who is registered with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (D.E.A.) and who holds a D.E.A. number to prescribe controlled substances, or who has submitted a pending application for one, is presumed to prescribe controlled substances and must meet this requirement. Any podiatrist who is required to certify completion of this CME to renew, but who cannot, will be subject to the provisions regarding makeup of missing CME in 22.3 and 22.4.


OPIOID Requirement - 1 credit in hospice, palliative care, or pain management  Vermont Board of Medical Practice

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Washington 2
100% N/A
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Continuing education requirements

Until October 1, 2017, podiatric physicians are required to complete 50 hours every two years, due at the time of license renewal. On or after October 1, 2017, podiatric physicians must complete 100 hours every two years.

  1. The board encourages podiatric physicians and surgeons to deliver high-quality patient care. The board recognizes that continuing education programs designed to inform practitioners of recent developments within podiatric medicine and relative fields and review of various aspects of basic professional education and podiatric practice are beneficial to professional growth. The board requires participation in podiatric continuing education as a mechanism to maintain and enhance competence.
  2. A podiatric physician and surgeon must complete one hundred hours of continuing education every two years and comply with chapter 246-12 WAC, Part 7 and WAC 246-922-310.
  3. To satisfy the continuing medical education requirements identified in subsection (2) of this section, a podiatric physician and surgeon may:
    1. Serve as a resident in an approved postgraduate residency training program; or
    2. Certify or recertify within the previous four years with a specialty board.


OPIOID Requirement - 1 hour in opioid prescribing  Washington Medical Commission

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Wisconsin 2
100% 10/31/2024
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Continuing podiatric medical education required; waiver. (1) Each podiatrist required to complete the biennial training requirement under s. 448.665, Stats., shall, in each second year at the time of making application for a certificate of registration as required under s. 448.665, Stats., sign a statement on the application for registration certifying that the podiatrist has completed at least 50 hours of acceptable continuing educational programs relevant to the practice of podiatric medicine within each 2-year period immediately preceding the renewal date specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a) 60., Stats


OPIOID Requirement - 2 hours on a board-approved course in responsible opioid prescription  Wisconsin Medical Examining Board

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West Virginia 2
100% 06/30/2025
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The following information regarding required CPE applies to all podiatric physician licensees. Active and inactive status podiatric physicians must complete all required CPE in advance of renewal.  The term “reporting period” means the two-year period preceding the renewal deadline for a license issued by the Board. For example, if a license is scheduled to expire on June 30, 2023, the reporting period is July 1, 2021 through the 2023 renewal application submission date.

Mandatory Controlled Substance Course for all Licensees

Podiatric physicians who have prescribed, administered, or dispensed any controlled substance pursuant to a West Virginia license in the two-year reporting period preceding renewal, are required to complete 3-hours of Board-approved continuing education in drug diversion training and best practice prescribing of controlled substances training during each reporting period. This is not a one-time only requirement.  For 2023 license renewal applicants, this course must be completed during the reporting period of July 1, 2021 through the date of attestation on a renewal application. The Board maintains a list of all 3-hour courses that have been approved by the Board and which were available for completion during the reporting period for podiatric physicians renewing in 2023.  To review a list of previous and upcoming conferences which satisfy this continuing education requirement, as well as the available online courses, click on the appropriate link below.

List of Board-approved CPE courses which satisfy the 3-hour Drug Diversion Training and Best Practice Prescribing of Controlled Substances Training requirement for podiatric physicians who will be renewing on or before June 30, 2023.

Master list of all Board-approved courses which satisfy the 3-hour Drug Diversion Training and Best Practice Prescribing of Controlled Substances Training requirement from September 2012 through the present.

A podiatric physician who has not prescribed any controlled substances pursuant to a West Virginia license during the reporting period may seek a waiver of this requirement by attesting on the renewal application that he or she has not prescribed, administered or dispensed any controlled substances pursuant to a West Virginia license since July 1, 2021.    

In addition to the mandatory drug diversion training and best practice prescribing of controlled substances training course, there are two pathways to satisfy the biennial CPE obligation.   

Option 1 Classic CPE

Complete 50 hours of CPE during the reporting period which is:  approved by the APMA or Council on Podiatric Medical Education; presented or sponsored by any of the podiatry colleges in the United States; designated as Category I by the AMA or AAFP; or presented or sponsored by the West Virginia Podiatric Medical Association. 

  • 30 hours of CPE must be in the podiatric physician’s area or areas of specialty.  
  • Podiatric physicians may count up to 20 hours of podiatric or medical student teaching/preceptorship in the 50-hour total.
  • The 3-hour Board-approved drug diversion training and best practice prescribing of controlled substances training course can be used for 3 of the 50 CPE hours.


Option 2 One Full Year of CPME or CPM Approved Training

A podiatric physician may satisfy all required CPE hours except the 3-hour Board-approved drug diversion training and best practice prescribing of controlled substances training requirement by successful completion of one full year of graduate training approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education or the Colleges of Podiatric Medicine during the reporting period. For 2023 license renewal applicants, this reporting period is July 1, 2021 through the date a renewal application is submitted.


OPIOID Requirement - 3 credits in a board-approved course on drug diversion and best practice prescribing of controlled substances  West Virginia Board of Medicine

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Wyoming 2
100% 07/01/2025
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(a) All licensees shall complete 40 (forty) hours of continuing education every two years. All continuing education hours shall be earned within two years prior to the license expiration date. There shall be no carryover of hours from one renewal period to another.

(b) The content of continuing education activities shall help individual podiatric physicians to carry out his or her professional responsibilities more effectively and efficiently.

(c) Examples of appropriate content include, but are not limited to the following:

  • (i) clinical medicine and surgery topics,
  • (ii) risk management associated with patient care (e.g., understanding of and proper documentation of complications, effective communication with patients, and informed consent),
  • (iii) medical and professional ethics,
  • (iv) public health,
  • (v) epidemiology and related issues.


(d) Approved courses to meet the continuing education requirement shall include:

  • (i) Programs approved by the American Podiatric Medical Association and their affiliated organizations,
  • (ii) Programs approved for Category 1 credit of the American Medical Association, and their affiliated organizations,
  • (iii) Programs by sponsors approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education to conduct continuing education,
  • (iv) Self-directed learning where there is an examination involved in the learning, so long as the self-directed learning complies with the requirements of Section 7(b) below. This may include tapes, journals, articles, books, or websites.
  • (v) The Wyoming Board of Registration in Podiatry may approve additional educational programs.


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State Cycle Credits Credits/
Online Online % Renewal
COVID-19 Renewal Date Risk/
Pain Man
Complete Info
Connecticut 0
0% N/A
Requirements Complete Info

Licensing Requirements

License Types with Continuing Education Requirements


OPIOID Requirements - 1 hour of prescribing controlled substances and pain management  Connecticut Medical Examining Board

Florida 2
20% 03/31/2024
Requirements Complete Info

For the 2023-2024 biennial renewal period ending March 31, 2024, the COVID Waiver in place in 2020-2022 has expired and the permanent rules have been reinstated.

General Hours 36  
Medical Error 2  
Laws and Rules 1  
Risk Management 1  
Safe and Effective Prescribing of Controlled Substances Course 2 As of July 1, 2021, per s.461.007(3), F.S., required for all Podiatric Physicians to complete for each renewal. The 2-hour course is included within the 36 total general hours required.
Human Trafficking 1 Per s. 64B18-17.001(8), F.A.C., each licensee or certificate holder shall complete a 1-hour board-approved continuing education course on human trafficking. The one-time human trafficking course shall apply to all licensees and is required of new applicants in their first renewal biennium, as well as, of licensees renewing to active status if the course has not already been taken. The 1-hour course is included in the 36 total general hours required.
HIV/AIDS 1 No later than upon first renewal, all licensees must demonstrate completion of a continuing education course approved by the Board on the topic of HIV/AIDS. The 1-hour course is included in the 36 total general hours required.


First Biennium Renewal: As provided in subsection 64B18-17.005, F.A.C., Podiatric Physicians initially licensed in the biennium or within 24 months of initial licensure are required to obtain five (5) hours of continuing education in the subject area of risk management which may be obtained by attending one full day of a meeting of the Board of Podiatric Medicine at which disciplinary hearings are conducted. The practitioner is then exempt from any other continuing education requirements for his or her first renewal except for a 1-hour course on human trafficking and the hours mandated for prevention of medical errors and HIV/AIDS

OPIOID Requirement - 2 hours every renewal on the safe and effective prescribing of controlled substance medications  Florida Board of Medicine 

All Florida Board of Podiatric Medicine/CE Requirements

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Georgia 2
50% 08/31/2025
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The purpose of continuing education hours for podiatrists is to maintain and enhance the professional competence of podiatrists licensed to practice in Georgia for the protection of the health and welfare of the people of the State of Georgia.

As a requirement for the biennial renewal of his/her license, a podiatrist must certify to the Georgia State Board of Podiatry Examiners the completion of not less than fifty (50) hours of approved continuing education in the preceding two (2) years prior to the license expiration date.
(a)    No more than twenty-five (25) hours shall be obtained from online courses/correspondence courses/webinar, and such courses must be approved by the Council of Podiatric Medical Education (CPME).
(b)    No more than ten (10) hours shall be obtained live (in person) from any healthcare related source.
(c)    At least thirty (30) continuing medical education hours must be approved by the Council of Podiatric Medical Education (CPME) and/or the Georgia Podiatric Medical Association (GPMA) and must be obtained live (in person).

(d) Every Podiatrist who maintains an active DEA certificate and prescribes controlled substances, except those holding a residency training permit, shall complete, at least one time, three (3) hours of CME that is specifically designed to address controlled substance prescribing practices. The controlled substance prescribing CME shall include instruction on controlled substance prescribing guidelines, recognizing signs of the abuse or misuse of controlled substances, and controlled substance prescribing for acute pain management.

Georgia State Board of Podiatry

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Iowa 2
50% 06/30/2026
Requirements Complete Info


Renewals -  July 1 even years to June 30 next even year.  i.e. July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024.

How many CME credits can be earned online per renewal period? - 20 hours

Does your state distinguish between on-demand CME lectures and live streamed virtual conferences or webinars? We do differentiate between live and on-demand courses.

How many CMEs can be earned at a virtual conference or webinar? Ten hours of credit for viewing videotaped presentations if the following criteria are met: 1. There is an approved sponsoring group or agency; 2. There is a facilitator or program official present 3. The program official is not the only attendee. 4. The program meets all the criteria in rule 481—702.3(149,272C).

How many CMEs can be earned via on-demand CME lectures? Ten hours of credit for computer-assisted instructional courses or programs pertaining to patient care and the practice of podiatric medicine and surgery.

These courses and programs must be approved by the American Podiatric Medical Association or its affiliates and have a certificate of completion that includes the following information: 1. Date course/program was completed 2. Title of course/program 2. Number of course/program contact hours 4. Official signature or verification of course/program sponsor.

645-222.2(149,272C) Continuing education requirements. 222.2(1) The biennial continuing


education compliance period shall extend for a two-year period beginning on July 1 of each even-numbered year and ending on June 30 of the next even-numbered year. Each biennium, each person who is licensed to practice as a podiatrist in this state shall be required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of continuing education. 222.2(2) Requirements for new licensees. Those persons licensed for the first time shall not be required to complete continuing education as a prerequisite for the first renewal of their licenses. Continuing education hours acquired anytime from the initial licensing until the second license renewal may be used. The new licensee will be required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of continuing education per biennium for each subsequent license renewal. 222.2(3) Hours of continuing education credit may be obtained by attending and participating in a continuing education activity. These hours must be in accordance with these rules. 222.2(4) No hours of continuing education shall be carried over into the next biennium. 222.2(5) It is the responsibility of each licensee to finance the cost of continuing education.

Continuing education requirements.
222.2(1) The biennial continuing education compliance period shall extend for a two-year period
beginning on July 1 of each even-numbered year and ending on June 30 of the next even-numbered year.
Each biennium, each person who is licensed to practice as a podiatrist in this state shall be required to
complete a minimum of 40 hours of continuing education.
222.2(2) Requirements for new licensees. Those persons licensed for the first time shall not be
required to complete continuing education as a prerequisite for the first renewal of their licenses.
Continuing education hours acquired anytime from the initial licensing until the second license renewal
may be used. The new licensee will be required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of continuing
education per biennium for each subsequent license renewal.
222.2(3) Hours of continuing education credit may be obtained by attending and participating in a
continuing education activity. These hours must be in accordance with these rules.
222.2(4) No hours of continuing education shall be carried over into the next biennium.
222.2(5) It is the responsibility of each licensee to finance the cost of continuing education.
645—222.3(149,272C) Standards.
222.3(1) General criteria. A continuing education activity which meets all of the following criteria
is appropriate for continuing education credit if the continuing education activity:
a. Constitutes an organized program of learning which contributes directly to the professional
competency of the licensee;
b. Pertains to subject matters which integrally relate to the practice of the profession;
c. Is conducted by individuals who have specialized education, training and experience by reason
of which said individuals should be considered qualified concerning the subject matter of the program.
At the time of audit, the board may request the qualifications of presenters;
d. Fulfills stated program goals, objectives, or both; and
e. Provides proof of attendance to licensees in attendance including:
(1) Date, location, course title, presenter(s);
(2) Number of program contact hours; and

(3) Certificate of completion or evidence of successful completion of the course provided by the
course sponsor.
222.3(2) Specific criteria.
a. Licensees may obtain continuing education hours of credit by teaching in a college, university,
or graduate school that is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. The licensee may receive
credit on a one-time basis for the first offering of a course.
b. Continuing education hours of credit may be obtained by completing the following
programs/activities of a podiatric scientific nature and sponsored by an accredited college of podiatric
medicine or the American Podiatric Medical Association or a regional or state affiliate or nonprofit
hospital that are:
(1) Educational activities in which participants and faculty are present at the same time and
attendance can be verified. Such activities include lectures, conferences, focused seminars, clinical and
practical workshops, simultaneous live satellite broadcasts and teleconferences;
(2) Scientifically oriented material or risk management activities.
c. If the podiatrist utilizes conscious sedation, the podiatrist shall obtain a minimum of one hour
of continuing education in the area of conscious sedation or other related topics.
d. A licensee who has prescribed opioids to a patient during a renewal cycle shall have obtained a
minimum of 1 hour of continuing education regarding the United States Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention guideline for prescribing opioids for chronic pain, including recommendations on limitations
on dosages and the length of prescriptions, risk factors for abuse, and nonopioid and nonpharmacologic
therapy options.
e. Combined maximum per biennium of 20 hours for the following continuing education source
areas shall not exceed:
(1) Presenting professional programs which meet the criteria listed in this subrule. Two hours of
credit will be awarded for each hour of presentation. A course schedule or brochure must be maintained
for audit.
(2) Ten hours of credit for viewing videotaped presentations if the following criteria are met:
1. There is an approved sponsoring group or agency;
2. There is a facilitator or program official present;
3. The program official is not the only attendee; and
4. The program meets all the criteria in 645—222.3(149,272C).
(3) Ten hours of credit for computer-assisted instructional courses or programs pertaining to patient
care and the practice of podiatric medicine and surgery. These courses and programs must be approved
by the American Podiatric Medical Association or its affiliates and have a certificate of completion that
includes the following information:
1. Date course/program was completed;
2. Title of course/program;
3. Number of course/program contact hours; and
4. Official signature or verification of course/program sponsor.
(4) Five hours of credit for reading journal articles pertaining to patient care and the practice of
podiatric medicine and surgery. The licensee must pass a required posttest and be provided with a
certificate of completion.
f. No office management courses will be accepted by the board.
g. Continuing education hours of credit equivalents for academic coursework per biennium are as
1 academic semester hour = 15 continuing education hours
1 academic quarter hour = 10 continuing education hours
h. Credit is given only for actual hours attended


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Kentucky 1
25% 06/30/2025
Requirements Complete Info

Section 1.

(1) Each podiatrist licensed by the board shall annually complete twenty (20) hours of continuing education relating to the practice of podiatry.

(2) The twenty (20) hours shall include:

(a) At least fifteen (15) Category A continuing education hours; and (b) Not more than five (5) Category B continuing education hours.

(3) A continuing education hour shall equal fifty (50) clock minutes of participating in continuing education instruction or presentation that meets the requirements of this administrative regulation for continuing education courses


(a) Beginning on July 1, 2012, and annually thereafter, each podiatrist licensed by the board shall complete at least one and one-half (1.5) hours of continuing education related to the use of the Kentucky All-Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting System (KASPER), pain management, or addiction disorders. (b) This requirement shall be included in the twenty (20) hours of continuing education required by this administrative regulation.


OPIOID Requirement -

4.5 hours of board-approved training related to KASPER, pain management, or addiction disorders

  Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure

Minnesota 2
20% 06/30/2025
Requirements Complete Info

To renew your license you must have completed 40 hours of continuing medical education approved by the Council of Podiatric Education (CPME) or Minnesota Board of Podiatric Medicine for the two year renewal period. Only 8 hours of continuing medical education can be obtained from online courses.


Continuing Education Requirements

License Renewal

To renew your license you must have completed 40 hours of continuing medical education approved by the Council of Podiatric Education (CPME) or Minnesota Board of Podiatric Medicine for the two year renewal period, with a maximum of 8 hours obtained through participation in online courses.

A copy of the course completion certificate, clearly stating approval by the Council of Podiatric Medicine (CPME) or Minnesota Board of Podiatric Medicine, must be submitted with the biennial renewal form.  The certificate of attendance is required to state the name and address of the sponsor, course title and dates of the program, number of continuing education clock hours granted, name of the attendee, and signature of the sponsor or designee.  

The CME requirement is pro-rated for the initial licensure period, being the fraction of 40 hours, represented by the ratio of the number of days the license was held in that 730 days.

The content must be directly related to the practice of podiatric medicine as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 153.01, subdivision 2. Subjects such as practice management or those not of a scientific nature are not acceptable unless approved by the Council of Podiatric Medical Education. 

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Missouri 2
24% 02/28/2026
Requirements Complete Info

Each applicant for license renewal shall certify to the board that s/he has attended twenty-four (24) hours of board-approved continuing medical education (CME) for the biennial renewal period immediately preceding the biennial license renewal date. Applicants who qualify under section 330.010.2, RSMo to perform surgery of the ankle must certify that s/he has attended an additional twenty-six (26) hours of boardapproved CME for the biennial renewal period immediately preceding the biennial license renewal date. Prior to January 2005, a copy of Foot & Ankle Board Certification or certificate of a twenty-four (24)-month postgraduate clinical residency program in podiatric surgery shall be on file with the state board for acceptance of the additional CMEs, before the endorsement of Ankle Surgery Certified will be added to their biennial renewal license. After January 2005, a certificate of completion of a twenty-four (24)-month postgraduate clinical residency program in podiatric surgery is required for acceptance of the additional CMEs and the Ankle Surgery Certified endorsement.



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Montana 0
0% N/A
Requirements Complete Info

None for the state - However hospitals and BC/BS require 50 every 2 years or 75 every 3 years



Puerto Rico 3
0% N/A
N/A Complete Info
Tennessee 1
33% 06/30/2025
Requirements Complete Info

The Board requires each licensed podiatrist to complete fifteen (15) clock hours of continuing education each calendar year (January 1 – December 31).
(a) Twelve (12) hours of the fifteen (15) clock hour requirement shall be clinical, scientific, or related to patient care. If the licensee is performing ankle surgery pursuant to T.C.A.
§ 63-3-101(b)(1), ten (10) of these twelve (12) hours shall pertain to the ankle surgery.
(b) Unless exempt under T.C.A. § 63-1-402(c), all podiatrists holding a current Tennessee license shall complete a minimum of two (2) hours of continuing education biennially
related to controlled substance prescribing, which must include instruction in the Department’s treatment guidelines on opioids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and
carisoprodol and may include topics such as medicine addiction, risk management tools, and other topics approved by the Board.
(c) Ten (10) hours of the fifteen (15) clock hour requirement must be completed in the traditional “lecture/classroom” format.
(d) Five (5) hours of the fifteen (15) clock hour requirement may be completed in any of the following multi-media formats:
1. The Internet
2. Closed circuit television
3. Satellite broadcasts
4. Correspondence courses


OPIOID Requirement - 2 hours of prescribing controlled substances, which must include instruction in the TN Chronic Pain Guidelines 

Source:  Tennessee Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners

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Texas 2
40% 11/01/2024
Requirements Complete Info

Licensed podiatric physicians must obtain 50 hours of continuing medical education (CME) each biennium in order to renew their licenses.

Human trafficking prevention training required for license renewal may be accepted for up to 2 hours of the required Ethics CME credit. 

TDLR will only give credit for those courses that relate to Podiatric Medicine.

As an example, a Podiatric Physician taking CME courses on brain surgery, proctology, shoulders, etc. would NOT be acceptable.

However, courses on the foot/ankle, lower extremity, cardiovascular system, nervous system, diabetes, renal system, obesity, risk management, drug prescriptions, pain management, bones, muscles, nerves, wound care, nutrition, electronic/medical records, etc., or the like, would be acceptable for 100% credit. Courses on histories/physicals, CPR, ACLS, admissions, discharge, oncology, systemic diseases (which have an effect/manifestation of diseases of the foot/lower extremity), or dermatology are also acceptable.

Additionally, courses on Medicare/Medicaid (government healthcare programs, CMS, and MAC/RAC, integrity/anti-fraud measures, etc.), electronic medical records and tools to improve care related to re-ordering, reconciling medication orders and monitoring and reporting quality data (in response to federal/national initiatives related to improved patient care and safety) are acceptable.

Live Streaming Conferences are Considered Equivalent to Live In-Person Conferences

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation has confirmed to Ron Lepow, DPM that they accept the CPME policy that live streaming conferences are considered the equivalent of live in-person conferences, and therefore, Texas podiatrists are free to obtain all of their credits or some of their credits this way.  As far as PRESENT Conferences are concerned, Texas DPMs can attend the annual live streaming Superbones Superwounds Conference and earn all of the CME credits from that conference.

Here is the exact reponse received by Dr. Lepow:

From: Steve Uecker <[email protected]>
Date: September 16, 2022 at 1:24:10 PM CDT
To: [email protected]
Subject: POD: CME Questions

Dr. Lepow,

Thanks for coming by our booth!

First- I want to define what you mean by “virtual online course”.  The Council of Podiatric Medical Education (CPME) approves podiatric CME.  They have approved what they term “Internet Live Activity”  as the same as in-person content.  This is a live interactive broadcast that you can interact with the lecturer in real time during the presentation- like a webinar. 

“Home Study” hours are limited to 20.  That would include watching a taped lecture or a replay of a webinar.

  1. §130.44 (g) It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to ensure that all CME hours being claimed meet the standards for CME as set by the commission. Practice management, home study and self-study programs will be accepted for CME credit hours only if the provider is approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education. The licensee may obtain up to, but not exceed twenty (20) hours of the aforementioned hours per biennium.
  2. RULE §130.45 (c) Any program approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education of the American Podiatric Medical Association is acceptable to the department.

From our website:

Internet Live Activity CME is Allowed for Podiatrists

AUGUST 4, 2020

The Council on Podiatric Medical Education (CPME), accrediting body for podiatric CME providers, has updated the CPME 720 - Standards and Requirements for Approval of Providers of Continuing Education in Podiatric Medicine (PDF), effective July 1, 2020.The CPME standards define Internet Live Activity as “an online continuing educational activity available at a certain time on a certain date and available only in real-time, just as if it were a continuing educational activity held in an auditorium. Once the event has taken place, learners may no longer participate in that activity.” Some examples of an internet live activity are a webinar, videoconference, or teleconference. CPME has also released guidance on COVID-19 for continuing education (PDF) in response to COVID-19 concerns regarding CME. Providers of CME, including all organizations listed in the Podiatry Continuing Medical Education Rules, can organize and present an internet live activity for CME credit. There are no limits on the amount of CME hours that can be obtained through internet live activity. Online courses that are not part of an internet live activity may be acceptable for CME self-study credit. Up to 20 hours of self-study CME may be counted towards the CME requirement.

Therefore if the “Internet Live Activity” is approved by CPME- it counts the same as an in-person conference, and all hours could all be completed in that fashion.  We do still like to see you in-person though!

Let me know if you have any questions.


Steve Uecker, MPH
Medical and Health Professions Section
Regulatory Program Management
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
PO Box 12157
Austin, Texas 78711
Phone 512 663-8019

Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation - Podiatry


(a) Each person licensed to practice podiatric medicine in the State of Texas is required to have 50 hours of continuing medical education (CME) every two years for the renewal of the license to practice podiatric medicine. One hour of training is equal to one hour of CME.


(b) Two hours of the required 50 hours of department approved CME shall be a course, class, seminar, or workshop in: Ethics in the Delivery of Health Care Services and/or Rules and Regulations pertaining to Podiatric Medicine in Texas. Topics on Human Trafficking Prevention, Healthcare Fraud, Professional Boundaries, Practice Risk Management or Podiatric Medicine related Ethics or Jurisprudence courses, Abuse and Misuse of Controlled Substances, Opioid Prescription Practices, and/or Pharmacology, including those sponsored by an entity approved by CPME, APMA, APMA affiliated organizations, AMA, AMA affiliated organizations, or governmental entities, or the entities described in subsections (e) and (f) are acceptable.


(c) Each person initially licensed to practice podiatric medicine in the State of Texas is required to complete two hours of continuing medical education related to approved procedures of prescribing and monitoring controlled substances prior to the first anniversary of date the license was originally issued.


(d) For each person licensed to practice podiatric medicine in the State of Texas whose practice includes prescription or dispensation of opioids shall annually attend at least one hour of continuing medical education covering best practices, alternative treatment options, and multi-modal approaches to pain management that may include physical therapy, psychotherapy, and other treatments.


(e) A licensee shall receive credit for each hour of podiatric medical meetings and training sponsored by APMA, APMA affiliated organizations, TPMA, state, county or regional podiatric medical association podiatric medical meetings, university sponsored podiatric medical meetings, hospital podiatric medical meetings or hospital podiatric medical grand rounds, medical meetings sponsored by the Foot & Ankle Society or the orthopedic community relating to foot care, and others at the discretion of the Board. A practitioner may receive credit for giving a lecture, equal to the credit that a podiatrist attending the lecture obtains.


(f) A licensee shall receive credit for each hour of training for non-podiatric medical sponsored meetings that are relative to podiatric medicine and department approved. The department may assign credit for hospital grand rounds, hospital CME programs, corporate sponsored meetings, and meetings sponsored by the American Medical Association, the orthopedic community, the American Diabetes Association, the Nursing Association, the Physical Therapy Association, and others if approved.


(g) It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to ensure that all CME hours being claimed meet the standards for CME as set by the commission. Practice management, home study and self-study programs will be accepted for CME credit hours only if the provider is approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education. The licensee may obtain up to, but not exceed twenty (20) hours of the aforementioned hours per biennium.


(h) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certification is eligible for up to three (3) hours of CME credit and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) certification for up to six (6) hours of CME credit. Practitioners may only receive credit for one, not both. No on-line CPR certification will be accepted for CME credit.


(i) If a practitioner has an article published in a peer review journal, the practitioner may receive one (1) hour of CME credit for the article, with credit for the article being provided only once, regardless of the number of times or the number of journals in which the article is published.


(j) With the exception of the allowed hours carried forward, the required 50 hours of continuing medical education must be obtained in a 24-month period immediately preceding the date in which the license is to be renewed. The 24-month period will begin on the first full day of the month after the practitioner's date of renewal and end two years later. A licensee who completes more than the required 50 hours during the preceding CME period may carry forward a maximum of ten (10) hours for the next renewal CME period.


(k) The department shall employ an audit system for continuing education reporting. The license holder shall be responsible for maintaining a record of his or her continuing education experiences. The certificates or other documentation verifying earning of continuing education hours are not to be forwarded to the department at the time of renewal unless the license holder has been selected for audit.


(l) The audit process shall be as follows:


  (1) The department shall select for audit a random sample of license holders to ensure compliance with CME hours.


  (2) If selected for an audit, the license holder shall submit copies of certificates, transcripts or other documentation satisfactory to the department, verifying the license holder's attendance, participation and completion of the continuing education.


  (3) Failure to timely furnish this information within thirty (30) calendar days or providing false information during the audit process or the renewal process are grounds for disciplinary action against the license holder.


  (4) If selected for continuing education audit during the renewal period, the license holder may renew and pay renewal fees.


(m) Licensees that are deficient in CME hours must complete all deficient CME hours and current biennium CME requirement in order to maintain licensure.


(n) Continuing education obtained as a part of a disciplinary action is not acceptable credit towards the total of fifty (50) hours required every two years.


(o) The 85th Texas Legislature enacted changes to Chapter 202, Occupations Code, providing the commission with authority to establish a one or two-year license term for licensees. See H.B. 3078, 85th Legislature, Regular Session (2017). The purpose of this transition rule is to provide guidance on how continuing medical education will be assessed when transitioning from a one to two-year license term. This rule applies only to licensees renewing on or after September 1, 2019. Beginning September 1, 2019, the department shall stagger the continuing medical education biennium of licenses as follows. Licensees renewing in an odd numbered year are to obtain 50 hours of CME for a 24-month period between 2019 and 2021; and for every 2-years thereafter in between renewal dates. Licensees renewing in an even numbered year are to obtain 50 hours of CME for a 24-month period between 2020 and 2022; and for every 2-years thereafter in between renewal dates. This rule expires on August 31, 2022.

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