This Just In...
Updates in Pressure
Injury & Ulcers

This lecture offers a review of definitions and pathophysiology of pressure injuries per NPIAP guidance. Ryan Dirks also provides an introduction to the Post-Acute Skin and Wound RegistryTM, and the Lift Off Registry TrialsTM. The treatment paradigm for pressure injuries and ulcers will also be discussed.

CME (Credits: 0.75) CEU (Credits: 0.75)

This CME lecture is from the Live In-Person
2023 Desert Foot Conference.

Ryan Dirks, MS, PA, CWS
Chief Executive Officer/Chief Medical Officer
United Wound Healing
Puyallup, WA
[email protected]

Click the image below to view this lecture.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify characteristics unique to pressure injuries/ulcers vs non-pressure ulcers. This includes their pathophysiology, mechanisms of tissue damage, and epidemiology particularly in the long-term care and post-acute continuum.
  2. Demonstrate basic knowledge of pressure injury/ulcer staging system.
  3. Analyze relevant data pertaining to frequency and healing rates of pressure ulcers compared to non-pressure ulcers.


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